Otterpool Park Phase 1b
Building on the work undertaken to create the masterplan and design code for Phase 1 at Otterpool Park, which focused on the Town Centre and Castle character areas, work is ongoing to develop a high-quality, landscape focused, and viable Framework Masterplan and Design Code for Phase 1b, the Hilltop and Woodland Ridge character areas, which will complement and build on the existing achievements of Phase 1a.
Hilltop and Woodland Ridge
The work to create the masterplan and design code for the Hilltop and Woodland ridge area will:
- Ensure that the site can be delivered efficiently and to the highest quality of placemaking protecting the overall vision and design objectives for Otterpool Park
- Guide all future developers and operators on the site
- Meet the requirements of conditions to the planning application set by the local planning authority (LPA) prior to reserved matters being submitted.

Otterpool Park Phase 1B
Hilltop and Woodland Ridge Interactive Map
How to leave feedback using the interactive map below: click, or tap on a place or building within the red boundary and tell us how you feel about it by answering the short questions that pop up and press submit when finished.
Community Engagement
JTP have been selected to work on Phase 1b and will be rolling out a programme to engage collaboratively throughout the design process, with local stakeholders and communities. The initial consultation process included:
Community Planning Lunchtime Launch
Tuesday 11th July 2023
Westenhanger Castle, Stone Street, Nr Hythe CT21 4HX
12.45 – 2pm
(Lunchtime refreshments will be provided)
Community Planning Day
Saturday 9th September
Sellindge Village Hall
Report Back of the Vision
Wednesday 20th September
Westenhanger Castle

Community Planning Lunchtime Launch
Following a Community Planning Lunchtime Launch at Westenhanger Castle on 11 July, work has commenced to develop plans for Phase 1b, the Hilltop and Woodland Ridge character areas at Otterpool Park, which will involve local stakeholders in community placemaking.
Click the image to the right to view a video from the launch event.
Learn more about the upcoming engagement events:
The brief sets out the following character for the Hilltop and Woodland Ridge character areas:
Communities in Hilltop and Woodland Ridge character areas can feel very close to nature and heritage, with informal open spaces and access out to the countryside. The pace of life is a bit more relaxed than in Otterpool town centre, but it’s within walking and cycling distance. This informality is reflected in the layout of the neighbourhoods, which sits nestled in the undulating landscape. It is ideal for families and those who want to connect with nature.
For those looking for somewhere with character to live, the views of the wider landscape and the North Downs couldn’t be better. Art and creativity has embedded itself within the natural environment.
Both Hilltop and Woodland Ridge communities have a local or neighbourhood centre that is designed to provide local shops, indoor and outdoor space to gather and socialise, and have the capacity to grow over time to accommodate small businesses.
Otterpool Phase 1b – Site visualisation
The framework masterplan for Hilltop and Woodland Ridge areas will set out:
- Overall defining vision and character of this area
- Distribution, shape and character of open space;
- Key movement routes, in particular pedestrian and cycling
- Relationship to the existing communities, and relationship to other neighbouring areas (particularly the neighbourhood centre which straddles Otterpool Lane to Airfield Park to the east);
- Access and junction arrangements, including A20;
- Approach to heritage features such as the Barrows;

- Integration of two schools, liaising with KCC Education;
- High-level urban design framework, setting out edges / frontage / location of landmarks and key buildings
- Nature and scale of community, retail and employment space in local centres, including potential for interim uses
- Approach to phasing
- Approach to delivery of culture and arts (working with Creative Folkestone)
- Contribute to delivery strategy (tier 2 document).

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